El pasado lunes día 19, me acerqué una vez más a dar una vuelta por las orillas del Ebro y cuál fue mi sorpresa al observar la especie más rara que he visto hasta día de hoy tan cerca de casa. Se trataba del individuo de gaviota de Bonaparte que se viene observando desde finales de enero en los depóstitos de Casablanca y en la Depuradora de la Almozara (ver aquí).
Last Monday, March 19th, I went again for a walk around the banks of the Ebro and what was my surprise when I watched the rarest species that I have seen so close to home. It was the individual of Bonaparte´s Gull that has been observed since the end of January in the deposits of Casablanca and in the Almozara Water Treatment Plant.
Last Monday, March 19th, I went again for a walk around the banks of the Ebro and what was my surprise when I watched the rarest species that I have seen so close to home. It was the individual of Bonaparte´s Gull that has been observed since the end of January in the deposits of Casablanca and in the Almozara Water Treatment Plant.
The individual was located at the east bank of the river. Later on, I went to the opposite side of the river to take better photos without disturbing the different birds that were resting there.
En esta foto se puede observar mejor las diferencias (tamaño, plumaje) con la especie más similar (gaviota reidora situada a la derecha).
In this photo you can observe how different it is (size, plumage) compared to the most similar species (black-headed gull on the right).
Otras especies como el cormorán grande (arriba) o el martín pescador (abajo) también se pudieron observar en el embarcadero.
Other species such as the great cormorant (above) or the kingfisher (below) could also be observed at the pier.
Algunos detalles de la gaviota de Bonaparte en vuelo.
Some details of the seagull Bonaparte flying.