Si hay un sitio bueno en la ciudad de Zaragoza para la observación de gaviotas, ese es sin duda los depósitos de agua del barrio de Casablanca. Este lugar es utilizado regularmente ahora en invierno como dormidero para un numeroso grupo de gaviotas reidoras (Croicocephalus ridibundus) (hasta 1500 algunos días) y patiamarillas (Larus michaellis) entre las cuales se pueden observar a veces otras especies de láridos menos frecuentes en el interior.
If there is a good spot in the city of Zaragoza to watch gulls, this is definitely the water tanks in the neighborhood of Casablanca. This place is used regularly in winter like roost for a large group of black-headed gulls (Croicocephalus ridibundus) (until 1500 ind. some days) and yellow-legged (Larus michaellis) among which we can observe sometimes other species less frequent in the inside of the peninsula
If there is a good spot in the city of Zaragoza to watch gulls, this is definitely the water tanks in the neighborhood of Casablanca. This place is used regularly in winter like roost for a large group of black-headed gulls (Croicocephalus ridibundus) (until 1500 ind. some days) and yellow-legged (Larus michaellis) among which we can observe sometimes other species less frequent in the inside of the peninsula
Gaviota reidora (Croicocephalus ridibundus) Black-headed gull
Gaviota reidora (Croicocephalus ridibundus) Black-headed gull
Gaviota patiamarilla (Larus michahellis) Yellow-legged gull
Junto con otros lugares como el embalse de La Loteta o El Gancho, estos puntos de agua sirven como perfecto dormidero de estas gaviotas que pasan el resto del tiempo alimentándose en campos de cultivo y fundamentalmente en los grandes vertederos (Zaragoza, Ejea de los Caballeros, Tudela y Huesca), dónde ha habido relocalización de los mismos ejemplares anillados y por lo tanto se reafirma que estos grupos se mueven por esta red de VRSU.
Along with other sites such as the reservoir of La Loteta or "El Gancho", these water points serve as a perfect roost of these gull,s spend the rest of the time feeding in fields and mainly in large dumps (Zaragoza, Ejea de los Caballeros, Tudela and Huesca), where there has been relocation of the same ringed specimens and therefore reaffirms that these groups move through this network of VRSU.
Along with other sites such as the reservoir of La Loteta or "El Gancho", these water points serve as a perfect roost of these gull,s spend the rest of the time feeding in fields and mainly in large dumps (Zaragoza, Ejea de los Caballeros, Tudela and Huesca), where there has been relocation of the same ringed specimens and therefore reaffirms that these groups move through this network of VRSU.
Gaviota reidora (Croicocephalus ridibundus) Black-headed gull
Gaviota reidora (Croicocephalus ridibundus) Black-headed gull
Gaviota reidora (Croicocephalus ridibundus) Black-headed gull
Gaviota reidora (Croicocephalus ridibundus) Black-headed gull
Gaviota reidora (Croicocephalus ridibundus) Black-headed gull
Además de poder ver ejemplares de especies raras en mi propia ciudad, este lugar se convierte también en un punto de reunión de birdwatchers de la zona, con los que poder compartir otras observaciones, historias y conocerlos ya de paso.
Besides to watching specimens of rare species in my own city, this place has also become a meeting point for birdwatchers in the area, with whom to share any comments, stories and introduce each other.
Besides to watching specimens of rare species in my own city, this place has also become a meeting point for birdwatchers in the area, with whom to share any comments, stories and introduce each other.
Mi primera visita fue a comienzos de diciembre de 2015, teniendo bastante suerte al localizar dos gaviotas canas (Larus canus) que fueron observadas durante los días siguientes por más personas.
My first visit was in the beginning of December 2015, getting lucky and finding two common gulls (Larus canus) that were observed during the following days by more people.
My first visit was in the beginning of December 2015, getting lucky and finding two common gulls (Larus canus) that were observed during the following days by more people.
Gaviota cana (Larus canus) Common gull
Gaviota reidora (Croicocephalus ridibundus) Black-headed gull
Gaviota cana (Larus canus) Common gull
Gaviota reidora (Croicocephalus ridibundus) Black-headed gull
De izquierda a derecha- From left to right:
Gaviota cana (Larus canus) Common gull
Gaviota reidora (Croicocephalus ridibundus) Black-headed gull
Gaviota patiamarilla (Larus michahellis) Yellow-legged gull
En mi siguiente visita pude observar otra de las especies que cada vez es más frecuente no sólo en el interior peninsular sino también en la comunidad de Aragón, la gaviota sombría (Larus fuscus), junto como siempre, con un buen grupo de reidoras (C. ridibundus) que levantaban el vuelo cada vez que un gavilán (Accipiter nisus) se acercaba por la zona.
On my next visit I observed another species that is becoming more common not only in the peninsular interior, also in the community of Aragon, the lesser black-backed gull (Larus fuscus), together as always, with a good group of black-headed (C . ridibundus) who raised the flight whenever a sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus) approached the area.
Gaviota sombría (Larus fuscus) Lesser black-backed gull
Gaviota reidora (Croicocephalus ridibundus) Black-headed gull
Gaviota reidora (Croicocephalus ridibundus) Black-headed gull
Gaviota reidora (Croicocephalus ridibundus) Black-headed gull
Gaviota reidora (Croicocephalus ridibundus) Black-headed gull
Gavilán (Accipiter nisus) Eurasian sparrowhawk
Tras el aviso del avistamiento por Óscar Mañero de un joven de gavión atlántico (Larus marinus), volví a los depósitos, coincidiendo esta vez con unos cuantos pajareros, con los cuales pudimos observar el ejemplar bastante bien durante toda la tarde y comparar su mayor tamaño y diferencias morfológicas con las gaviotas patiamarillas presentes.
After notification of the sighting by Oscar Mañero of a young Black-backed Gull (Larus marinus), I returned to deposits, coinciding this time with more birders, with which we saw the specimen fairly well throughout the afternoon and compare their larger and morphological differences with yellow legged gulls present.
Gavión atlántico (Larus marinus) Black-backed gull (Izda-left)
Gaviota patiamarilla (Larus michahellis) Yellow-legged gull (Dcha -right)
Gavión atlántico (Larus marinus) Black-backed gull
Gavión atlántico (Larus marinus) Black-backed gull
Gavión atlántico (Larus marinus) Black-backed gull
Gavión atlántico (Larus marinus) Black-backed gull
Gavión atlántico (Larus marinus) Black-backed gull
Gaviota reidora (Croicocephalus ridibundus) Black-headed gull
Gavión atlántico (Larus marinus) Black-backed gull
Gaviota reidora (Croicocephalus ridibundus) Black-headed gull
Gavión atlántico (Larus marinus) Black-backed gull
Gaviota reidora (Croicocephalus ridibundus) Black-headed gull
Gavión atlántico (Larus marinus) Black-backed gull
Gaviota reidora (Croicocephalus ridibundus) Black-headed gull
Gavión atlántico (Larus marinus) Black-backed gull
Gaviota reidora (Croicocephalus ridibundus) Black-headed gull
Gavión atlántico (Larus marinus) Black-backed gull
Gaviota reidora (Croicocephalus ridibundus) Black-headed gull
Gaviota patiamarilla (Larus michahellis) Yellow-legged gull
Gavión atlántico (Larus marinus) Black-backed gull
En mi última visita y tras la cita de Luis Gracia de un adulto de gaviota cabecinegra (Ichthyaetus melanocephalus) me acerqué de nuevo a los depósitos y junto con Eduardo Gil, la relocalizamos dentro de un bando de reidoras, una de las cuales portaba anilla de PVC y metálica proveniente de Polonia.
On my last visit and after the notification of the sighting of Luis Gracia of an adult Mediterranean Gull (Ichthyaetus melanocephalus) I went back to the tanks and together Eduardo Gil, we relocated it within a band of black-headed, one of which was carrying PVC ring and metal from Poland.
Gaviota cabecinegra (Ichthyaetus melanocephalus) Mediterranean gull
Gaviota reidora (Croicocephalus ridibundus) Black-headed gull
Gaviota reidora (Croicocephalus ridibundus) Black-headed gull
PVC T4E8 Anillada en Polonia (Ringed in Poland)
Junto con las gaviotas se suelen observar otras especies de aves acuáticas y al atardecer se puede presenciar un espectáculo bien bonito cuando miles y miles de estorninos (Sturnus sp) vuelven a pasar la noche en el dormidero del Parque Grande.
Along with gulls is usually seen other species of waterfowl and in the evening you can witness a very pretty show when thousands and thousands of starlings (Sturnus sp) come back to pass the night in the "Parque Grande".
Cormorán grande (Phalacrocorax carbo) Great cormorant
Ánade real (Anas playrhynchos) Mallard
Estorninos (Sturnus sp.) Starlings
Garza real (Ardea cinerea) Grey heron
Cormorán grande (Phalacrocorax carbo) Great cormorant
Cormorán grande (Phalacrocorax carbo) Great cormorant
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